About Vertebroplasties

About Vertebroplasty Procedure

A vertebroplasty is a procedure used to treat painful vertebral compression fractures. These fractures occur when one or more vertebrae in your spine cannot fully support the weight placed on it and begins to collapse due to tiny cracks in the bone. 

Vertebroplasties are widely regarded as a safe and effective minimally invasive procedure for treating vertebral compression fractures. In fact, many patients experience a 90% reduction in pain within the first 24-48 hours following the procedure. Even more so, a large number of patients return to their previous level of activity without any form of physical therapy and a portion become completely symptom-free.

Common Conditions Treated

Vertebroplasties are most commonly used to treat compression fractures caused by osteoporosis, a disease that results in a loss of normal bone density. The procedure is often recommended after other less invasive treatments such as pain medication or the use of a back brace have proven ineffective. Generally, a vertebroplasty should be performed within 8 weeks of the initial fracture to provide the highest probability of success.

Vertebroplasty Procedure

Vertebroplasties are usually performed as outpatient procedures and only take about one hour to complete. To begin the procedure, the patient will be given both a moderate sedative and local anesthetic. Then, the patient is positioned face-down on the table. After a very small incision is made, your physician will utilize x-ray imaging to guide a hollow needle to the site of the compression fracture. Once in position, your physician will inject a cement mixture into the fractured bone to help stabilize it.


The medical grade cement typically takes 20 minutes to harden, during which time the patient will remain lying face down. After the cement has completely set, your physician will remove the hollow needle and use an x-ray or CT scan to confirm the procedure was successful. 

Recovery from Vertebroplasties

As mentioned above, vertebroplasties are typically performed as outpatient procedures, meaning patients are able to return home the same day. Patients are able to walk around approximately one hour following the procedure. And while patients are able to return home the same day, bedrest or an extreme reduction in activity is recommended for the first 24 hours. After that first day, the patient will be able to gradually increase their activity level. A return to strenuous physical activity such as heavy lifting generally isn’t advised until 6 weeks following the procedure.


Your physician will likely schedule a follow-up appointment, at which they will ensure your recovery is going well. 


Vertebroplasties are an incredibly effective minimally invasive treatment with as many as 75% of patients able to regain lost mobility and become more active.


Call (605) 217-5617 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Khurana.


Treating Varicose Veins with VenaSeal™

Treating Varicose Veins

The physicians at Vascular & Vein Institute of Siouxland specialize in treating varicose veins in patients suffering from chronic venous disease. In the US alone, 23% of the population are affected by varicose veins. While for many of those people varicose veins are primarily a cosmetic concern, for other more severe cases varicose veins cause discomfort and lead to more serious problems.

Varicose veins are large, twisted veins that appear most often in the legs and feet. They are the result of weak or damaged valves in the veins of your legs that are unable to efficiently pump the blood to the rest of your body. These valves allow the blood to flow backward and pool in the veins, causing them to enlarge and twist.


Many patients with varicose veins experience one or more of the following symptoms. 

  • Enlarged, dark purple or blue veins
  • Swelling
  • Aching pain or heaviness in one or both legs
  • Itching near affected veins
  • Muscle cramps

As we mentioned above, many people with varicose veins don’t experience any pain. For those that do, however, their symptoms are often worsened by prolonged periods of sitting or standing. 

Risk factors

Did you know? Women are more than twice as likely as men to develop varicose veins. Below are the most common risk factors associated with this condition.

  • Women – largely due to hormonal changes
  • Older adults
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Family history
  • Inactive lifestyle

Treating Varicose Veins with VenaSeal™

VenaSeal™ is one of the treatment methods the physicians at Vascular & Vein Institute of Siouxland use to treat varicose veins. It is a highly effective treatment method – with a 94.4% closure rate.

While treating varicose veins with VenaSeal™, your physician injects the diseased vein with a small amount of medical adhesive to permanently seal the vein and reroute blood through healthy veins nearby. Since symptoms are caused by the diseased vein, they begin to improve as soon as the vein is sealed. 

Many patients feel little to no pain during and after the procedure, and experience minimal bruising. Treating varicose veins with VenaSeal™ is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure, meaning patients are able to return home the same day. In fact, many are able to return to their normal activity level immediately following the procedure.

Call (605) 217-5617 to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians.